Vigilance and Training Promotes Restaurant Food Safety

Food and hygiene course

Food borne illness affects everyone. The Economic Research Service of the USDA estimates that food borne illness can cost $6.9 billion to consumers, with $1.2 billion from the diarrhea inducing Camplobacter, and $2.65 billion from Salmonellosis. While food borne illness can happen anywhere, restaurant food safety is a critical line of defense. There are a number of ways restaurant food safety can be promoted, notably through a few defensive measures and training.

Restaurant food safety begins when a chef or kitchen manager determines he wants to improve handling food. He could start by assessing temperature practices, or keeping hot foods hot, and cold foods cold. Frozen foods are a special case, for they can be thawed in a refrigerator and then refrozen, contrary to popular belief. Nevertheless, all foods should be kept at a consistent temperature that does not promote bacteria growth.

A food and hygiene course is another great way to promote restaurant food safety. While a course can never guarantee restaurant food safety, it can help food handlers know what practices promote restaurant food safety. While these courses are offered in person, food handlers can opt for a food handlers permit online.

Again, a food protection certificate cannot promote restaurant food safety by itself. Constant vigilance is the best defense. But combined with a watchful eye, a food protection course ensures food handlers can monitor restaurant food safety in the kitchen, and prevent food borne illness. More on this.

Healthy Chef

Healthy Chef