Around the world, millions of people eat nuts and seeds every day. They can provide many benefits to those who consume them. But how much do you actually know about the nuts and seeds you’re eating? This article is going to talk about a few things many people don’t know about nuts and seeds.
Peanuts are technically not nuts
While commonly referred to as nuts, peanuts are actually legumes. But no matter what they are classified as, peanuts account for two-thirds of all nut consumption, making them the most popular nut in America.
Almonds affect gut health
Among additional benefits, almonds help you keep your balance of good gut bacteria. With potential probiotic effects, almonds make a good choice for both your taste buds and your tummy.
Almost half of the world’s almonds are purchased by chocolate manufacturers
Chocolate manufacturers buy 40% of almonds around the world. Whether it’s because they’re simply tasty or if chocolate manufacturers are trying to make chocolate seem healthier, they sure love incorporating almonds into their products.
Pecans are full of antioxidants.
Pecans are one of the most antioxidant-rich foods available to consumers. Additional pecan benefits include being full of vitamin E. Unfortunately, not many people eat them unless they’re in a pie, although there are tons of pecan recipes out there to try.
Macadamia nuts are extremely healthy
Raw macadamia nuts are very underrated. They not only contain a great omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, but they also contain the largest amount of monounsaturated fatty acids of all the nuts. Furthermore, they contain high amounts of magnesium and vitamin B1. When you eat just one serving of macadamia nuts, you get 58% of what you need in manganese and 23% of the recommended daily amount of thiamin. Eating macadamia products may even result in lowered cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Cashews are not nuts.
Coming from a cashew tree, cashews are technically classified as fruits. However, through complex processes, the “nut” part of the fruit is obtained and can be consumed. Additionally, cashew shells are considered quite dangerous. Unprocessed cashew shells contain urushiol, which is toxic when consumed. Luckily, the cashews for sale on the market have all been processed and steamed.
Hopefully, this article taught you a thing or two about nuts and seeds. So whether you eat them for their wonderful taste or to reap the health benefits they can offer, keep on eating nuts and seeds on a regular basis.