Pick the Right Kind of Plastic Packaging for Your Products

Plastics have gotten a bad name over the past few years. Many people think they should limit their use of plastic products because of the negative impact these materials have on the environment. The irony is that plastics can have a very positive impact on the environment. It has been reported that using plastic packaging options, such as lidding films, can reduce food waste. Some have estimated that using plastic packaging like vacuum pouches and lidding films keeps food fresh longer. For every one pound of plastic that is used, the amount of food waste is reduced by 1.7 pounds. That is crucial for keeping food products out of landfills where they contribute to global warming.
With plastic packaging, you can do a lot more with less. For instance, two pounds of plastic are able to move about ten gallons or 1,300 ounces of liquid. This makes it much easier to bring water to people who need it across the globe. Experts say that at least 783 million people around the planet do not have access to clean water. Another 2.5 billion people lack access to adequate sanitation. The consequences of that include at least six million deaths every year.
There are a lot of options when it comes to plastic packaging. Here are some of your choices:
- Aseptic plastic packaging: When a food product is sterilized and then packaged in a setting that is completely sterile, it is referred to as being aseptic. The reason for this is that the packaging allows the food to last longer on the shelf without the use of preservatives or chemicals that are often used to extend the lifespan of foods. Foods that are in aseptic plastic packaging do not need to be refrigerated either.
- Vacuum pouches and packaging: The food manufacturer puts its products into an airtight container. All of the air is them removed from the packaging. Before this process is started, the level of the vacuum seal is set so that the shrinkable lidding film achieves only the desired vacuum level.
Cook in package bags: These are food packaging containers that are made from flexible plastics. The food that is in the bag can be cooked by dropping the bag in boiling water for a period of time.
- Transparent plastic packaging: There are plastic packaging options, such as Lidding films, that allow consumers to see what is inside the packaging. This can be very helpful for people who want to be able to see the food products in the packaging before they buy them.
- Shrinkable lidding films: When shrink wrap plastic packaging products are used, the packaging and the food product itself is heated so that the plastic moulds itself to the product. These are often transparent so that consumers can view the contents of the packaging.
- Packaging that is inflated: The food manufacturer puts their product into an airtight container and the air is replaced with an inert gas such as carbon dioxide or nitrogen. Potato chip bags are good examples of this. The gas that is in the bag does insulate the chips from breaking but there is no oxygen to encourage bacterial growth.
- Plastic bags with zippers: These are resealable packages that can be very useful for storing cheeses, luncheon meats and other similar products. If a consumer is not going to use the entire contents of the packaging in one serving, this kind of packaging can be very useful. It keeps the food fresher for longer once it has been brought home from the store.
- Packaging for frozen food items: If your food product is going to be frozen, you need to use a packaging option that is freeze resistant. Product packaging like lidding films can be helpful in cases where freezing is a part of the food process.
- Pouches with spouts: These are often bags that can stand up. The spout is made by using a high pressure polyethylene. There are a few options for where the spout can be placed. There are a number of products that work well with this kind of packaging.
Food products are kept fresher when they are placed in plastic packaging. If you sell food products, your options for it are plentiful.