Differences Between Grass Fed and Supermarket Poultry

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Statistics show that people in the United State eat nearly 90 pounds of chicken each year. Many people assume that the supermarket is where to go for chicken. In 2001, it was estimated that anywhere between 60-80% of antibiotics in the United States were found in livestock feed. Many of the animals fed extreme amounts of antibiotics are shipped off to supermarkets. A 2011 study by the Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases estimated 47% of supermarket meat and poultry contained Staph bacteria. You’ll want to learn more about grass fed and free range chicken. Here are the main differences between grass fed and supermarket chickens.

Where They’re Housed

Supermarket chickens are often housed in industrial environments. Unfortunately, supermarket chickens don’t have much room and are often cramped together. The goal of supermarket chickens is simply to grow them to be large enough to provide a lot of meat. Grass fed and free range chicken live in a more natural environment. The only controls placed on these animals are fences to ensure they aren’t attacked by predators. It’s far less stressful for a chicken to be placed in its natural environment instead of a concrete housing unit.

Types of Chickens Used

In many cases, supermarket chickens are chosen because of their ability to grow. A few common bird breeds are often used which doesn’t allow for much variety. It’s well known that chickens raised for supermarkets aren’t often treated in the most humane of ways. The end result of farms used to produce large quantities of meat often have animals die from exhaustion. You won’t find unethical treatments being done on grass fed and free range chicken. Farmers don’t have to choose a chicken that can grow at a freakish rate. You’ll likely feel better knowing you’re supporting the ethical treatment of animals compared to supermarket chickens.

Diet of Grass Fed Animals

Many chickens that end up in supermarkets are fed foods designed to promote maximum growth. These animals often eat grain that is filled antibiotics made to increase muscle tissue. Recent measures have worked to remove certain antibiotics from the feed of animals. However, many supermarket chickens regularly receive feed that isn’t what these animals are used to eating. Grass fed beef and chicken are allowed to eat foods they naturally consume. Many farmers have special diets for their animals that are followed strictly. You can find free range meat for sale online due to its extreme popularity in the food world.

In closing, there are several differences between grass fed and supermarket chicken. You can find grass fed meat for sale online which is delivered to your home. Grass fed meat delivery keeps you away from those crowded supermarkets, something everyone can find stressful. Supermarket chickens are often housed in cramped environments that chickens aren’t naturally used to. Free range chickens are allowed to roam outside. In many cases, only one type of chicken is used for supermarket poultry because of its muscle growth ability. You’ll find much more chicken options by utilizing free range poultry. The diet of supermarket chickens is often filled with antibiotics while grass fed animals have a more natural food regimen. Choosing free range chickens is an ethical choice for poultry lovers across the world.

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