Ice cream remains one of the most popular desserts in the United States. Statistics show that the average person in the United States will eat ice cream 28.5 times per year. Having an ice cream business is a fun way that many people earn a very successful living. Many modern ice cream businesses are utilizing the power of the internet to increase sales numbers. Here are four great ideas to increase the online presence of your ice cream business.
- Establish a Social Media Presence
Many businesses are utilizing the power of social media to increase brand awareness. You’ll want to ensure that your business has pages created on the most popular social media websites. It’s best to post daily on social media pages related to your business. You’ll want to include a mixture of advertising and informational posts for your audience. It’s best to ensure you have plenty of paper ice cream cups on hand, as social media pages can grow extremely fast. - Ask Your Audience About Flavors
A recent survey conducted by the International Ice Cream Association finds that vanilla is the preferred flavor for 28% of those surveyed. It’s understandable to not want to purchase flavors of ice cream that no one wants. If you’re in need of new flavor ideas, it’s wise to conduct a poll on social media. You’ll benefit from communicating directly with your audience and obtaining valuable market research for no cost at all. - Contests are Great Ideas
It’s understandable to want to create campaigns to gain more social media followers and website visitors. Many companies conduct contests or giveaways to draw in new potential customers. An ice cream shop could conduct a giveaway for gift cards or free product. Online contests work extremely well to draw in new customers for a business. It’s wise to ensure that all entrants like or share a post in order to be counted for a contest. Receiving large amounts of social activity works well to boost your business in local results. - Post Plenty of Quality Photos
There are nearly 1.5 billion gallons of ice cream and other desserts made in the United States each year. You’ll want to post plenty of photos for potentially hungry customers. People love viewing the social media page of a business that features multimedia including photos and videos. Many companies post social media photos that show off paper ice cream cups filled with a sweet treat. It’s wise to ensure you have paper ice cream cups that are branded. You’ll find that branded cups helps to let everyone know where to go to find your desserts.
In closing, there are several ways for an ice cream store to grow their brand online. You’ll find it’s best to have social media pages established on all of the major websites. Having social media pages filled with visitors works well to provide you market research. Many businesses poll their online customers in regards to future flavor ideas. Many businesses hold contests and giveaways in order to grow their presence on social media. It’s best to post plenty photos of delicious treats to show off to an online audience. Many ice cream shops find that having an online presence works well to bring in plenty of new customers.