3 Reasons Product Packaging Can Impact Consumer’s Purchasing Decisions

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How much does a product?s packaging choice impact your decision whether or not to buy the product? You may not think it holds much weight, but many people consciously or subconsciously do consider a product?s packaging when making purchasing decisions. From whether or not the packaging machines product clean packaging, to whether or not the packaging is recyclable, packaging makes an impact on the world around us and our daily choices.

So, why should you care about the packaging machines and packaging of your products? Keep reading to find out three reasons why a product?s packaging matters.

1. Packaging can reduce contamination and diseases

It may seem like something that would never happen to you, but you can get sick from eating certain foods that are processed in certain ways and put in certain packaging. For instance, statistics show that around 48 million people get sick each year from foodborne diseases. On top of that, around 128,000 are hospitalized and 3,000 die from the same thing. That is around 1 in 6 Americans each year who are harmed in one way or another from unclean food they consume.

Once a food product is produced and packaged using food packing equipment and a food packaging machine, it is important that the food is stored properly. If food needs to remain cold, once it is packaged using food sealing machines, it needs to be in a refrigerator with the right temperatures. To stop bacteria from growing and multiplying in your food, the temperature needs to be around 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Freezers need to be set around zero degrees Fahrenheit to keep food safe.

2. Packaging can reduce food waste

You are probably more inclined to select products packaged in a way that reduces food waste around the world. Each purchase you make then has a positive impact on the world around you. Some packaging experts claim that food waste can be reduced by around 1.7 pounds for each pound of food that is packaged in plastic by packaging machines.

In comparison to another packaging product like aluminum, plastic really does cut back on food waste. For example, beverages like juice, soda or water that are packaged in aluminum requires three pounds of aluminum to deliver 1,300 ounces. Plastic, on the other hand, only requires two pounds of packaging. Steel requires eight pounds, and glass requires over 40 pounds.

3. Packaging can reduce environmental impact

In addition to the reduction of food waste, the right packaging can also have less of an environmental impact making it a more green choice for consumers. This truly makes an impact on whether or not a consumer purchases a product. Around 52 percent of people claim they would select packaging if it demonstrates any amount of social or environmental impact.

Companies are working toward making plastic packaging even more recyclable by cutting down the number of pounds needed to create plastic packaging. In 2006 alone, 180 million pounds of plastic packaging were cut for 2-liter soda drinks.

Plastics recycling is also becoming more and more popular with every passing year. People in the United States are definitely invested in the environment and ways to have a positive impact on the environment in their daily choices such as product purchases. Today, around 148 million people have the opportunity to engage in a plastics recycling program where they live. That is around 60 percent of the entire United States population that can make a positive impact through recycling plastic. This helps explain why products are making a push to use food packaging equipment and food packaging options that focus more on environmentally-friendly ways to packaging food and products.

Have you ever noticed a product?s packaging when in the grocery store or at different shops? Does it impact your decision if the packaging machines package the product in environmentally-friendly ways? Let us know in the comments about your thoughts on product packaging and whether or not it influences your decision to purchase.

Healthy Chef

Healthy Chef